Monday, April 7, 2014

The 5 Key Components of a Strong Dental Marketing Plan

Since all dental practices are different, all dental practice marketing plans are also different. The specific details of your marketing plan will depend on the specific goals you hope to achieve with your marketing.
However, while we can’t give you a “one-size-fits-all” solution, we can help you build the basic framework to a strong marketing plan. Even though all marketing plans have distinctive features, they also all tend to share several of the same features as well. To get you started on creating a plan that will help increase your patient count and profitability, we've identified five key components you should include.

5 Dental Marketing Plan Components  

1.        Goals. We touched on goals briefly in our last post about where to start, but they’re also important to include in your marketing plan. Without including your goals, you’ll have a tough time figuring out the steps you need to take for your marketing to work to your advantage.
2.        Venues. There are lots of different ways you can choose to market your dental practice. Between old standards like television, radio, and newspaper, you can now also consider online content and social media. Determine early on which venues you think would have the most success with reaching your target audience. While you can certainly always switch it up down the line if something isn’t working, it’s best to have a plan of attack from the start.
3.        Leaders. Knowing who is going to be responsible for creating and maintaining your marketing campaigns helps avoid confusion down the line. Perhaps you’ve hired a specific person to be in charge of your marketing. Perhaps you’re planning on taking it on entirely on your own. Maybe you’re even considering outsourcing your marketing. Regardless, your dental marketing plan should identify a breakdown for the division of labor so there’s no question who is in charge.
4.        Timing. Depending on your budget and the venues you choose, your dental marketing plan can also establish the timing of your marketing. Let’s say you choose online marketing and want to post one blog post per week. Establishing that goal from the beginning can help keep your marketing team accountable. Or, maybe you want to run a television commercial for a certain period of time each season. Once you get the timing down, you can be prepared for the work that comes along with creating your marketing campaigns.
5.        Metrics. Marketing your dental practice isn't worth doing if it isn't succeeding in bringing patients through your door and increasing your profitability margins. You've already established your goals, so next you need to determine metrics for tracking them. How will you know if your marketing campaigns are working? Since marketing can be expensive—particularly those older methods of television and radio—you want to make sure you’re getting the best return on your investment. Having a clear idea of where your money is going and how well it’s working can help you know if you need to adjust your plan.

Your dental marketing plan will almost certainly have more than five components, but these key features can get your strategy started off in the right direction. There’s a lot to consider when creating the marketing for a new business, but having a strong foundation to your plan can go a long way toward creating your own success.  

Is marketing not your thing? Want to focus more on dentistry? Half Dental Franchise has you covered. Click here to request more information and you’ll never have to worry about marketing again.  

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